Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The testimony of a 6 year old!

On Sunday we had the opportunity to take our cute little neighbor kids to church with us, The oldest one is about to become baptized and so we asked the parents if she could go with us to church on Sundays and they thankfully said yes- so we take her and her little brother... anyways they had a great time, and loved it- so we were thrilled, well it happens to turn out that we also carpool with them everyday to drop off and pick up kids from school so on Monday morning they came to my house to get a ride to school and their sweet little 7 and 6 year old bodies were so excited that their grandma had just bought them new Book of Mormons for church- They were telling me about it on the way to school and Tasian started in on the conversation with this
Tasian- Hey Kinzy do you know what it mean to get the Holy Ghost?
Kinzy- Kinda, I know I get it when I am baptized
Tasian- It means that you get this Ghost in you that is not a scary ghost, but he is with you always
Kinzy- Is he white?
Tasian- I dunno, I just know you can't see him... and he whispers to you when your going to do something bad, and he is telling you not too!
Kinzy- COOOL!
Hahaha- as a mom I must say I am so proud that my little man is starting to discover and build his own testimony. In the world today it scares me to think what life would be like without one, but as a mom it scares me even more to think my kids could not have one also, and to hear my little six year old bear a little testimony of the power of the holy ghost makes this mama very proud- We are so excited for Kinzy and for choosing to be baptized and for the great parents she has to let her make that decision and let them both come with us. I am excited to see what the future will bring for these bestest of friends, and for being able to see their testimonies grow also! I am so grateful for the gospel and for the opportunity that tasian is already taking in being a missionary!

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