Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tasians Big Graduations day!

So I finally got to posting some pics- Tasians graduation was so much fun- They sang a bunch of songs, then did graduation for all the kids then awards... and there is an award for kids who didn't miss any school days the whole year, and tasian got that award. We were so excited- he was the only one, and were so proud of him. He loved school and is so excited for kindergarden already- good job buddy!
him and keyton- sorry some of these photo's are blurry-

and his adorable teacher miss marci- love her!

for not missing any days he got a present- it was a slip and slide-

here is miss marci announcing the award- yay tasian!

him and tanna just for a quick pic-

grandma and pa garza- looking so happy-

and grandma and pa nessen- also looking so happy!

1 comment:

Queen of Kings said...

Oh my Heavens I am SOOOO Proud of him! Good Job Tasian! I love his little suit he looks so handsome! Yay for Kindgarden I am sure his teacher can't wait to have such a smart and cute little boy! Yay for your first but not your last preschool graduation :) LOVE YOU!

halloween 2