Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tasians pre-school party!

So yesterday was tasians party for his last day of school and making it the whole year- I can't believe he is done with wee wonders and is moving on to be in the big K- I am so proud of him- tonight is graduation so I will keep you posted on the cute pics- here is his cute little friend gage-

It was freezing cold and rained almost the entire time- so we were huddling by the building to block the wind- gotta love utah weather-

All of his fun little prizes that he won- he had so much fun!

And his little ticket pass was all used up- bummer! Incase your wondering what this random pic is... it's my daughter with a iron man symbol on his chest- I was dressing her for church and getting her ready for the tub and this is what I found- It was freaking hilarious- she drew it herself because tasian had one a couple days before- So sorry for the grafics on my 1/2 naked daughter, but this was too funny not to take a pic.


Queen of Kings said...

Woo Hoo Tasian!! Onto the big K I can't even believe it! Good Job buddy! Oh my Hilarious Iron Man pose I love your kiddies!

The Huffies said...

I think McKenna and Calli were cut from the same cloth...holy cow, that cracks me up and when did Tasian get so big?!

halloween 2