Thursday, May 20, 2010

cold water fishing field trip!

So tasians field trip was at the cutest fishing place ever- it is in ogden and it was so much fun. I have never been much of a fisher so I have never really even thought about taking him fishing, but he loved it. He caught 4 fish and they are now in my fridge... waiting for lunch time to come-It was a very educational day- they learned how to feed fish, catch them, watch how they are killed (sick) and then we will enjoy them in our belly's- yay for the circle of life! We had a really good time, and I am sad to say that in 1 week he will be graduating from pre-school. I can't believe I will have a kindergardener- I better just enjoy the summer time before he is officially in school- He caught one! yay- thanks to all the dads that were there to pull them off the hook! bless you!

and another one- it was a successful day

these are the victims- sorry guys! its not my fault you are healthy and taste good!

tasian dared to touch one finally and hold it for a pic, but as you can see it flopped away and was flipping all over on the cement- it was hilarious... for us... not the fish!


Queen of Kings said...

Circle of life Hilarious! I love that little boy I can't believe he's going to be in kindergarden! You're such a cute family!

:) said...

Oh sick! I HATE fish, I bet his hands stunk after holding it :) okay I'm not that bad, we love that place!

halloween 2