Sunday, April 24, 2011

It's official... I am a blogging loser!

Ok so I am so sorry- I have not done any blogging lately- I pretty much traided blogging for books! I have been doing school for 3 years now, and am in the really hard part of nursing school which mean I don't have much time to blog about my life... even though a lot has happened. I have meant to put pictures up and it is still on my LOOOOOng to do list, but I forgot to do it today, but I still want to write about the Garza happenings- Well like I said.... I am still in the nursing program am on schedule to graduate in December- whoo hooo!!! I am counting down, Mike is still going to school and is still the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me- We are tag team parents with our schedules, but we make it work everyday- he is an amazing support to me and keeps me going. Tasian is already my big 6 year old and is the smartest little thing I know- He loves kindergarten and soccer- He is the best little boy anyone could ever ask for, and Kenna is getting so big. She turned 4 a couple weeks ago and I can't even believe my baby is 4 years old- Life is so busy at our house, but it is a good life- I am truely so blessed to have the family and friends I have- I love each and everyone of them! I promise I will try to get some pics posted, I hope you all have not forgotten about me- I am still alive... barely some days, but I will try to post some more pics and show you more of my exciting life- haah!

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