I can't even believe I am officially the mom of a kindergartener- I am a little sad about it, and hope that we prepared him enough for this new chapter of life. He will be a McKinley cougar through and through! mike went there and is pretty proud to pass it along- I am so proud of him and hate the quietness of my house right now- I always thought that the quiet would be nice, but its not as fun as I had invisioned. I can't wait to hear all about an hour. I posteds some other little pics of him that I really miss the fun age of having- I love this little boy so much, and couldn't be a prouder mom!

I love this little man!!

this is when he was 2- I just love this pic!

and this is when he was almost 3- so sad to think how fast this went by-

this was the crazy way the halls were-

they were waiting in the hall for a line up with his teacher- his teacher is Mrs. Carolyn Michaelis- she is adorable!!

all geared up and ready to go- isn't he adorable!!
He is so stinkin' cute. I can't believe how old he looks in those pictures. I also can't believe that he was wearing long sleeves and a vest. Crazy! It's still 100+ degrees here!
He is so cute, seriously if he comes up missing you know who did it! I love the gleam in his eye, so fun and mischievous! P.S. Thanks so much for your generous donation to HopeKids - you are so sweet!~
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