On Sat. we had the blessing of going to the Brigham city temple groundbreaking and it was amazing! President Boyd K. Packer and Russel M. Nelson were there to dedicate the location. It was such a great experience to be apart of and to be there to see the amount of support and love these great men have for the gospel, and progress of it. There is some random pics as I go along, but I will explain-

This is just a pic I downloaded of the Temple when it is all done- what it will look like- Gorgeous!

I love this of all the men standing waiting to break the ground- and start construction!

Love this one too! this is a great example to me of love when a little help is needed-

Proud mommy moment- Tasian... along with a ton of kids... got to turn some of the dirt- I am looking forward to the day when I can take him to the temple again, and see his little testimony grow-

It was very hot and we were there at 7 a.m. to get seats, so while we were bored we got a quick pic of the boys- tasian has a funny face, but he was goofing off-

K so as you can tell- we were the 12th row back- it was close enough to us, and we were glad to be able to see. this is President Nelson speaking about the importance of temple attendence

Ok quick story- this is Pres. Packers wife. They lived in the brigham city area for several years. 7 of their 10 kids were raised there so she was telling about how special it was to them to see a temple be placed there until the end of time. Well the part of the story that made me take a pic was that her family moved from England to...... Howell- say what??? I was giggling on the inside and shouting at the same time- I really appreciated the little shout out for my home town- so thats where the pic came from. so I would never forget this! Then she later became the peach queen of brigham city, and brother packer married her- He also spoke about how he had traveled 2.5 million miles for the church and she has been at his side almost for every one of them- I just love love!

And then of course Brother Packer spoke about how he use to run up and down the streets where the temple will be put and played around in the brigham area, He said how there was a school where the lot is now that burned down, then another school built, then it became an empty lot again... but from this time forth this beautiful building will rest here until the end of time, and many wonderful things will happen there- It was such a great talk and he is such an adorable man. He kept saying how blessed he was to be apart of this, and will be looking forward to the day it will be dedicated.

I just love how Pres. Nelson is helping brother Packer to the place to break the ground-

Getting ready....

And the moment we were all waiting for- The official start of the construction.

I had to get this pic of all the stake presidents- ours is being released on Aug. 14th and I just thought what a great way to end your calling as a stake president. He is such a great man, and we have been very blessed to have him. He is the 5th one in from the left- standing by the one with a red tie-
And this is one of the bishops- I had to get this cause my uncle Ray is a bishop in perry and he is the 2nd one in- with the white shirt! love him!
I just want to quickly say how grateful I am to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint- I am very blessed to have such great experiences and to share them with other members of the gospel and my family. I love the gospel and am thankful to have been apart of this. I am looking forward to see and hear of the wonderful blessing that come from this temple. I hope that some day I can take my kids there and share the blessing of the temple with them through the example I am trying to set- This was a great day for me and my family and will forever be grateful for it
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