Monday, July 19, 2010

A weekend in howell= priceless!

K so we had the big howell days celebration again, and yes all 25 people showed up- haha j/k there was a lot of us, anyway we did our annual baseball tournaments, and yes people we won for the 3rd year in a row! yay baby- so here is all of us that played- It was so much fun. There was a rodeo the night before, then just a day of water fun, ball games, food, and fireworks- it is always so much fun to hang out with the fam. I feel very blessed to be right where I am in life! K so if your asking yourself what this is... so was I- after I laughed like a 5 year old child, and wiped the tears from my face - I took a pic to share with the world! this is obviously a bus, but the back of it is a water tank- hahaha! it was so funny that someone actually thought this up- and no it is not the firetruck for howell, it is just a water truck they brought in for the tug-a-war- it made the whole trip out there!

tasian did not want to have anything to do with the animals- but when money on a cow was involved? count him in!

probably the closest thing he will get to riding a horse for a long time-

1 comment:

Queen of Kings said...

I'm so sad we missed this! Yay for Howell days! The bus/water truck HILARIOUS!!!!!

halloween 2