So I was dreading my 27th birthday cause it is 1 year closer to 30, but if they are all this good... then count on me being 27 forever- I have to tell the whole day experience cause it was perfect- I forgot some of the pics so thats why they are up above- but anyways I woke up to my whole kitchen decorated and a $80 gift card for nike to get some new running shoes- then I exercised and went out side to play with the kids, just to find our entire yard was decorated- let me tell you, mike goes to work at 5 am so he woke up at 4 am to do all this (thats why I love him ladies) ok so for the rest of the day - at 6 pm he told me to be ready to go out for a picnic in perry- well when we were going he pulled into maddox and said he forgot some of the stuff so we would just eat there- I was completely fine with that- when I walked in- all of my family and his family was there- it was awesome!!!! so we all hung out and ate lots of food- it was so nice. During dinner he gave me a i pod nano- and a nike chip to put in my shoes that keeps track of how far I run and calories burned... and lots of things- there awesome and highly recommended. anyways then he gave me a little piggy bank with $100.00 all in 1 dollar bills for shopping in park city in 2 weeks with my friends, also a blanket make of bandanas that i have wanted for a while. He is so amazing and I am the luckiest woman in the whole world- this day could not have been any better- The next day I went to get my hair done, and when I went to pay kristi she said that mike came in the day before and already paid- so it even continued to the next day- I just want to tell him that he is the best thing that has ever came in to my life- I love him more and more everyday- so thanks babe for being the best man for me! 
This was on the table- and had some details of how the day would play out-
the nike gift card for shoes- yay!
what I woke up to, some of the things fell down, but it was really cute-
and our yard decorated- who thinks of this???
my cute neighborhood girls brought me over some rice krispy treats- love those girls!

This was on the table- and had some details of how the day would play out-

That is sooo neat Ash!! You are so lucky what a great guy!
We wouldn't have missed it! HAPPEE BIRTHDAY I am glad it was so good you deserve nothing but the BEST! What a good hubby!
OH that is such a good Hubby.. Plus im glad you got money for park city.. It will be so much fun..
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