Thursday, June 24, 2010

Our California Adventure!

So we just got back from a trip to cali- I love that place- We went with janet and ray just from thurs. to monday- We went for our 7th year anniversary and just to have a weekend away. It was so much fun- so I will break it down day by day so you know what happened-
Day 1
We landed in long beach at 11:00 am and the guys went golfing while me and janet started our vacation off just right with some pedicures- it was so fun, then we shopped a little while the guys finished golfing- they golfed for 6 hours- it took them forever, but we were affraid that was going to happen so that's why we had them go golfing first- this is just a pic in front of the golf course-, holy white legs
then we just took a pic in our room while we waited for janet to get ready-
DAY 2: we went to universal studios- it was so much fun. Janet and ray have never been so we thought it would be fun to go, and it was a blast!

They had a cute little thing for despicable me, so we took this one for the kids-

Merilyn monroe was just hanging out in this car, so we took a quick pic-

They have the new simpsons ride so we had to get some pics infront of that- it was so fun to ride it, and ray was very excited- he loves simpsons

in this pic bart took mikes drink and was shaking it up- it was funny!

waiting in line for jurassic park ride-

this was the best part- going through the doors and seeing this

the closest we will ever get to the hollywood sign!

I love hardrock cafe- it brings out the inner rocker in me!

They had this marilyn monroe figure made out of jelly beans- it was awesome!

This was infront of the mummy ride- kinda creepy, but cool!

and of course jaws- as you can tell- I am not that flexible

i use to always want to be a flinstone! Here's my only chance

This one was for tasian- He loves iron man!

Who lives in a pinapple under the sea??? mike and me! this was also for the kids!
we ate at bubba gumps for dinner- it was delicious!

these signs were hilarious- if you needed more time you left this sign, but if you wanted the waiter to stop cause you needed something you flipped it to stop forrest stop- it was so fun!
me and my shrimp with of course mike and his hamburger- who goes to a shrimp place and orders a hamburger?? mike thats who-
DAY 3-
we started the day off and went to the L.A. temple- it was gorgeous! we had such a good time there- then we went shopping in santee alley- my new favorite shopping place- we didn't take any pic's there but we spent a whole lotta money- it was so fun!

this was the coolest tree- it was right infront of the temple, and it was all split and crooked- it looked like it was fake, but it wasn't-
we asked this random photographer to take our pic- so this is just a few pics that we all had together- love it!
DAY 4- we went to the beach- it was me and mike's 7th year anniversary and also fathers day- what a great way to start it off- except we all got fried- but it was worth a few hours at the beach

here is the only pic i have of my cute pedi- from the 1st day-

there was a seal up on the sand, we got really close to it for some pics before it went back in the water- we later found out there was a baby that was lost up on the beach earlier that day so it could have been looking for her baby! sad!!!
up on the rocks- I am almost as white as my suit!
We went to hollywood that night for a nice dinner and to go to kodak theater and see the stars walk of fame- it was fun, but way too crowded!!
infront of the hollywood sign, but you really cant see it!
DAY 5- we were suppost to leave at 7:30 in the morning we thought... turns out our flight was at 7:05 am and we were too late.... so yes we missed our freaking flight, so what happens when you do that you ask? .... well you rent another rental car, cause we just checked ours in... then we go to the mall for 9 HOURS!!! thats what you do, then you get back to the airport 2 hours early to make sure you don't miss it again- It wasn't a very good morning when we missed the plane but it turned out to be a fun day anyways- we went to another movie (2 in a row) and then we spent some more money- why not? it was hard to get home at 1 am and see the kids sleeping already, but we put them in bed with us, and kissed there little faces all night- it was such a fun weekend, but I am glad to see my kiddies again-

1 comment:

Amanda Laing said...

I'm so jealous! It looks like a blast! Isn't it funny when you go on a trip, that you think of the kids the whole time, and take pictures for them! Ha ha! It's always great to get away though! And... Bubba Gump's is my fav! Hope you ate lots of shrimp for me!!!

halloween 2