Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A check off the bucket list!

Ok so on saturday I ran my first 1/2 marathon- Our stake put one together and I signed up a while ago. I of course didn't have my camera, but luckily my sister did and took some pics- so when I get them I will post them, but just to keep my self remembering here is a little break down of what was going on in my brain...
mile 1-3... not too bad, I can run all day- I am feeling good
Mile 4- Passed 2 girls and realized I was in 3rd place- woo hoo!
Mile 5-6- Still in 3rd and feeling good... I am already 6 miles into it so almost half way
Mile 7- got passed by a girl- where the heck did she come from? she snuck up on me like a ninja
Mile 8-10- Why the crap did I sign up for this??? my legs are killing me
Mile 11- I want to just die! someone please hit me with their car and end my marathon- please!
Mile 12- I am just going to start cutting corners and miss the last mile- oh wait their is my sister
Mile 13- glad to have janet run the last part with me to keep me going- another girl passed me- I thought I would be mad, but I didn't care at this point- My legs were going to fall off and she was from high school- Hello I am a mother of 2 and stayed infront of her for 12 miles
Mile 13.1 My hubby and kids were waiting at the finish line with flowers, balloons and posters- Man I love my family- I think I would have cried, but at this point I could barely breath-
SO there is a break down- I will check it off the bucket list and scratch off full marathon- ya not happening- I am really glad I did it now and can feel my legs again. I have only ran 8 miles and never stopped before, but I ran the entire 13 miles and did not stop- I am so glad it is over, but happy to have done it- and as I finished I got a prize that is for a full hour massage- yep I will be using that shortly! THANKS TO JANET AND RAY FOR CHEERING ME ON, AND TO MY WONDERFUL FAMILY FOR BEING THERE!


Brooks, Amber & Maggie Jo said...

You ROCK!! I am smart enough to never make this a goal of mine. So cuddos to you for trying and Succeeding may I add!!

:) said...

That is so awesome, really, that is something I hope to do soon too. Thanks for breaking it down... I was seriously wondering what you must have been thinking, I go 3 miles and start to wonder why?!!!

halloween 2