Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy 60th anniversary celebration for G & G Nessen

My grandma and grandpa just celebrated there 60 year anniversary, and the whole family threw them a suprise get together-it was so nice and good to get together with everyone. they had a nice lunch, an openhouse, and of course what is a nessen family get together without a baseball game? So that's how we ended the evening- it was really nice, and want to tell them how much I love them and thanks for a good example! My adorable grama- She is 80- yea ladies- she is still looking good, and I hope I get her genes for looking younger- ya right?

My aunts, sister made them the nicest scrapbook of their lives and also janet and ray ray made them a really nice wedding video of there family and life, it was so nice.I am so glad to be a part of this family for eternity- I am very blessed on both sides to have it all! Oh I had to sneak there easter outfits in- so cute hu! you can't see it very well, but tasians tie matches kenna's dress- bless you childrens place- so smart!
And we started the day off with another easter egg hunt with the nessens- what's another pound of candy right?

and kenna getting right to the point of ripping the eggs open-

K so we played baseball and we even got my mom in on the mix- she really hurt her foot though, but it was fun... and funny- she screamed the whole way to 1st cause she didn't want to get out! go mom!

Tasian even got in on the action- he ran a home run... curtiousy of a good family who just happened to ACCIDENTLY dropping the ball!

Swing batta batta swing!

Jenna and Markell- just cheesing with my boy!

1 comment:

Queen of Kings said...

Holy Crap we are so blessed! I Love being part of the Nessen family! Yay for celebrations and Yay for Baseball! I love all the pics HOLY CUTENESS of Tman and Kenna on Easter! You have the worlds cuttest kids! Love the updates and all the fun pics :)

halloween 2